For starting LAMPP automatically on startup, add the following line to you /etc/rc.local file /opt/lampp/lampp start where /opt/lampp is the location where XAMPP files are kept. You will have to substitute the path to your XAMPP in the above command. Do let me know whether it worked for you 😉
Starting LAMPP automatically on startup
April 3rd, 2008XAMPP an easy LAMP installation solution
February 25th, 2008Earlier I had messed up my LAMP test server trying to upgrade PHP from 4 to 5 and it was a real headache till I got everything to work.. Someone asked me a question – is there a simple way to install everything (Apache, MySQL PHP with necessary modules) in one shot without configuring each […]
Apache’s Mod_Rewrite magics
October 24th, 2007First lets see what is mod_rewrite mod_rewrite is basically an apache module, using which we can play around with the URL’s  Configuration You need to cross check in your httpd.conf whether the following lines are present LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ AddModule mod_rewrite.c If its not there, make sure to add it along with the other modules […]