Earlier I posted how to start a website or blog of yours.
You obviously make a website or blog for others to see it, hence you would be anxious to know how many visitors your website or blog is receiving.
Web Analytics
You may go through an introduction to web analytics to get some fundamental idea behind web visitor tracking.
We usually track website visitors using third party web analytics solutions – for example in this blog, I have used StatCounter and Google Analytics. Both uses JavaScript based data capture technique. You may go reading in detail about them at how web analytics data collection happens, but for you, implementing this is very simple – Just copy-paste the JavaScript code snippet provided by these vendors into each page of your website. You are done, you can see reports on respective vendor websites.
Leaving a website without being tracked is the biggest crime you can do after launching your website ! Firstly you will not have any clue whether are there any vistors or what they do on your website.
Google Analytics and StatCounter are just two of such providers, in fact these two provide the service for FREE! So there is no reason for you for not trying them !
So, now will you tell me how many visitors your website/blog got ?